Why sustainability reporting

With the increasing pressure to report and improve available sustainability information from customers, investors and regulators, we anticipated the need for a faster and user friendly reporting platform. Climat.report is a climate friendly blockchain based sustainability reporting tool that is affordable and facilitates the entire process of reporting journey by adhering to the global standards such as GRI, TCFD, UNSDG and many more. Contact Us

How it works


Connect your data


Visualise your emissions data


Get reporting disclosures suggestions


Track & manage your reporting obligations with AI support


Get sharable reports on standards like GRI, TCFD, BRSR
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Who is it for?


Sustainability reporting helps MSMEs to publicly share their performance analysis as they are the driving force of innovation and sustainability.


Select the appropriate reporting frameworks suitable for your organization to measure progress and contribution towards global sustainable development.


Exporters across the globe can use our Sustainability reporting solution for reporting, monitoring and goal-setting as per TCFD, UN-SDG.


Data collection and Aggregation Gather data from various sources, including energy consumption, fuel use, production, and transportation
Automated Emission Factor Calculate emissions based on industry-specific emission factors and convert data into standardised units (e.g., metric tons of CO2 equivalent) with AI integration
Customised Reporting Generate customisable reports and support multiple reporting standards (e.g., GRI, TCFD, BRSR)
Climate Risk & Scenario Analysis Model "what-if" scenarios to evaluate the impact of emission reduction strategies
Data Validation & Quality Control AI can help in data validation checks to identify errors or discrepancies. It ensures data quality and reliability
AI and Machine Learning Analytics Utilize AI for data analysis, trend identification, and predictive modeling


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Contact us to get more information.